爱熟女001 发表于 2012-7-7 11:38 只看TA 1楼 |
[转帖] 中国将送斯里兰卡宇航员上太空 斯里兰卡SupremeSAT公司准备与中国长城工业总公司(CGWIC)签订合同,四年内送斯里兰卡太空人上太空,SupremeSAT公司花费三亿美元购买中国卫星获得这个服务。斯里兰卡将建立一个卫星地面站,可为其他国家提供服务。 买卫星,送神舟行。 There is a possibility of Sri Lanka sending an astronaut into space in less than four years. 有可能在四年内将斯里兰卡宇航员送入太空。 This historic task has been undertaken by the Sri Lankan company SupremeSAT and China’s state- owned biggest satellite manufacturing institution, Great Wall Corporation (CGWIC). The agreement will be signed in Beijing where the Chinese company is based. 在北京大成协议 SupremeSAT Managing Director R M Manivannan said SupremeSAT has already written a new chapter in Sri Lankan history by becoming the first institution in Sri Lanka to own a satellite. Only 44 countries own a satellite outright or in partnerships of three or fewer.“We have a co-branded satellite with the Chinese company in orbit from last month. Our next step is the building of our own company satellite at the Great Wall Corporation facility. This would be ready in two years and then it would be the first Sri Lankan owned satellite," he said. The total investment for this would be around US $ 300 million. 总投资大约在3亿美元。 The first satellite Sputnik was built and launched by the Russians in 1957. There are over 900 satellites in operation today, of which 381 satellites are in Geostationary Orbit. Satellites have a typical life time of 15 years. Manivannan said their next aim is to train Sri Lankan youths with space technology and this would be initially done in China. "We will soon call for applications for 'would be astronauts'. After going through their records , we will send them for training to China," he said. "After three to four years, they will be able to undertake missions in space and sending a Sri Lankan to space would no longer be a dream," he said. ![]() ========================================================================================================================================= 只有自己的技术提高了,实力增强了才会有人跟你玩。而且在这个过程中,我们是掌握主动权的,游戏规则由我们定。 作为航空航天爱好者,当然希望看到中国与外国更多的合作,至少可以赚些银子 . 从经济学角度,很多人只看到太空计划烧钱、军事投资烧钱、。。。。。其实可以换个角度。政府开资投入1元,对整个经济有大于1元的收益。另外,再简单看,投资这些技术就像投资工具(如股票、债券、房产、黄金、开工厂等),就是为了多赚钱(有些技术大赚特赚,有些不怎么赚只能持平,有些甚至亏本,是高风险投资)。越高新的技术投资,投资资金越高,风险越高,回报也越大。就算美国登月了,中国再来不代表就没有回报了。股市中同一个版块有多少公司在做大致雷同的业务,互相拼效率、拼质量、拼价钱、拼服务? 这里讲的只从经济学角度讲,技术、民生、国力、安全等不在讨论中。 [ 本帖最后由 爱熟女001 于 2012-7-7 11:47 编辑 ] |
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